
Hi everyone!  I just wanted to say sorry I haven’t posted in a while,  I’ve been very busy with school and stuff.  I just did my French controlled assessment,  which by the way,  I’m pretty sure I failed.  I have also been away over the weekend on the coast visiting family so didn’t have a chance to blog.

Also guys,  this blog is for you so please comment what you want me to do.  It can be fashion advice,  school advice,  anything.  After a request,  soon I will be doing a post on how to not get stressed at school.

Thanks for reading!

Maisie xox

Make up and Beauty Lifesavers

Here are a few items which I couldn’t live without!

  1. Biore Nose Strips – These are great for anyone who regally gets black heads on their nose. They are sticky strips which you leave on your nose for 10 minutes and they when you take it off, it rips the black heads out and unclogs your pores.
  2. Pantene Dry Oil – This is great for anyone who finds themselves with dry hair after blow drying. If you run some of this through your wet hair, it leaves your hair softer and smoother, unlike similar products which just leave it oily.
  3. Simple anti-blemish moisturiser – I always put this on before I put on any kind of make up. It makes your face feel very soft and it helps to prevent spots. Its a win-win!
  4. Tea tree witch hazel spot stick – This is a great spot stick which reduces the size and redness of spots really fast. I love it! I take on anywhere I go.
  5. Revlon Colourstay foundation – If you want to wear foundation this is great. You only need a very small amount so its not to bad for your skin. Its one of the best foundations I have ever used.
  6. Rimmel hide the blemish concealer – Basically this is a great concealer. Especially for covering dark circles.

Thanks for reading, hopefully this helps! 🙂

Maisie xox

How to be unique at school

So it was my first day back at school today. It wasn’t too bad, it was great to see my friends again after the holidays but I barely slept the night before so I was so tired. Today I also realised how hard it is to be an individual at school. We have a strick uniform at my school so I sent a while thinking about little things I could to to stand out at school. Here are some surgestions:

  1. Dye your hair – I know that some schools don’t allow you to do this but if you can, you should. I had bright red hair for about a year and alot of people new because of that. Its a great way to be an individual in a crowd of people wearing excactly the same as you!
  2. Get new shoe laces – You might not be allowed to wear the shoes you want but get some funky laces! Or even if you want something suttler, swap your laces for vintage looking ribbon laces!
  3. Change your buttons – If you’re like me, and have to wear a shirt or polo then why not replace the buttons for colourful ones. Its such a subtle change, Its unlikely a teacher will notice.
  4. Make up and nail varnish – Wear a nice bright nailvarnish coulour to stand out, and if you want to wear some makeup. Find something that is unique to you. I tend to wear a thin line of blue below my bottom water, but any colour works. If you want to be bold, wear some think, gothy eye liner.

Thanks for reading, let me know how you get on if you decide to use any of these tips! 🙂

Maisie xox

D.I.Y Nail Varnish Phone Case Idea

This a great, fun thing that anyone can do. Basically all you need is a phone or tablet and nail varnish. I was bored one day and decided to paint a pattern onto my phone. Since then almost every month I have a new design.

Before you start, if you can, take the back of your phone of. But if you don’t, DON’T WORRY. There aren’t really any instructions for this, its all up to you! Just make sure that when you take it off with nail varnish remover you only use a small amount so it doesn’t damage your phone. Here are a few pictures of a couple of designs I have done. Please reblog and like if you wanna give it a go. 🙂


Thanks for reading,

Maisie xox


So its the 3rd of January 2016 and I just realise i haven’t made any resolutions. So here they are, please take any ideas you like and share I you don’t have :

  1. Read more – Reading used to be one of my favourite things but recently i have been too busy and too obsessed by social media. Experts say reading helps you to relax and it prevent depression and other mental illnesses. Its also good for general knowledge and happiness 🙂
  2. Make new friends – Because I didn’t have a great experience with friends at primary school I have always been quite scared of making new friends. But I want to change that. And maybe it will even help me get a boyfriend!  🙂
  3. Take less bullshit – When every someone is rude to me of something, normally, unless I’m in a bad mood I will just take it and walk away. I don’t want to become really gobby just a bit better at comebacks
  4. Not loose weight or change, accept myself – Obviously it would be nice to get a bit thinner but thats not my resolution. I want to learn to not care as much as I do about body image. I need to learn to feel comfortable in my own skin, and that is ok to be curvy and its ok to have out of control hair. Just to be who ever I want.

So, those are my resolutions. I will let you know if I start to accomplish any of them. Thanks for reading!

Maisie xox

The Beginning

Hi, My name is Maisie and my new years resolution was to start a blog. So here I am. At the beginning. This blog could be a total car crash or it could go well, which I really hope it does. I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I’m 14 years old and I live in London. I’m in year 10 at school so I have just started the GCSE curriculum. The subjects I’m doing are English, Maths, Science, French, ugh, and Geography (All Compulsory.) And My chosen subjects are art and music. I chose art because I think I’m kinda creative and I love photography. And I chose music because when I’m older, I want to be a singer-songwriter. I also chose Latin as an extra. I would have chosen drama which i love but our drama department isn’t great and I’m not a fan of any of the drama teacher either, well,none of them are really fans of me to be honest. I do acting outside of school though. With a small group of friends I do LAMDA exams which are like acting exams but with a posh name. I also play for the local girls football team and I’m in the school Rugby team. I’m also interested in fashion and makeup, but I’m not one of those girls who slap it on, which is fine if they want to , but I stick to sort of nude colours.

The reason I’m starting this blog is because I’m finding the pressure of GCSE’s very stressful and sometimes I get upset when I realize the next two years of my life could affect my whole future. Scary huh? So I thought, instead of bottling it up, I could talk to people like me who are finding school hard. And maybe I could even help some people.

This is only the beginning of my blog so I don’t really know what its gonna be like. I’ll share some nice photos I’ve taken, maybe some outfit ideas for certain occasions, makeup tips, school advice. I don’t know. I really don’t. Im just gonna roll with it.

And before I go i’d like to stress that I’m NOT one of the beautiful popular girls at school. I’m pretty average. I have a nice small group of friends who are lovely. So my advice isn’t gonna be how to become popular or anything, its gonna be how to be happy cause you don’t need to have 1000s of followers on instagram, or perfect hair and a perfect body to be happy. Also I’ll try and do boy advice but I’m pretty inexperienced in that department. But we can learn together.

Thanks so much for reading,

Maisie xox